This is not applicable when the classes are enhanced.
However, when using "dynamic subclasses" typically the objects returned from a query are actually dynamically generated subclasses that Ebean has defined. These classes support lazy loading and dirty checking etc.
The enhancement is to be able to specify on a global and per query basis to return just plain "vanilla" objects (rather than Ebean's generated subclasses, and Ebean specific Lists,Sets,Maps that are used to lazy load collections).
This means the returned object graphs have no Ebean dependencies. Obviously they don't support lazy loading, PropertyChangeSupport etc that the Ebean classes do.
This has been added to head now.
For a specific query ... use setVanillaMode(true)
List<Order> list = Ebean.find(Order.class) .join("details") .setVanillaMode(true) .findList();
Otherwise to turn it on globally use ServerConfig.setVanillaMode(true) or ... in set