Refer to
public Set<Usergroup> getGroups() { if ( groups == null ) { final BeanSet<Usergroup> set = new BeanSet<Usergroup>(); set.setModifyListening(BeanCollection.ModifyListenMode.ALL); setGroups(set); } return groups; }
Consider changing the enhancer to automatically add the "null protection" type code for *ToMany properties.
You can specify checkNullManyFields=false to explicitly turn off this enhancement option.
For example: To turn off the checkNullManyFields and use debug level of 4 for enhancement ...
Sorry for the necromancy, but I was wondering if this should work with automatically generated subclasses too? Because I just upgraded to 2.7.5, and was looking forward to removing some of the old null-checks - but it does not seem to work.
If not, is there some documentation on how to run the enhancer automatically on startup (is this even possible, or does it need to run at compile time?)