Tidy up the NamingConvention... making it an interface and easier to implement.
NB: For MapBeans, removed the support for mapBean properties to be converted into property names. They where by default lower case of the DB column name and that stays.
NamingConvention has been moved up to com.avaje.ebean package and can be put on ServerConfiguration to support better programmatic configuration.
As part of this I have decided to remove MapBean property naming convention support.
This is because I deem only 2 workable naming conventions... the DB column names lower cased (the default now) ... and DB column names upper cased.
These are the only real workable naming conventions for MapBeans. Making MapBeans case insensitive is required to work safely with DB meta data (coming back from JDBC) as databases store their meta data in different ways (upper case/lower case/mixed etc).
So, I have deemed that MapBeans will now always use lowercase DB Column names (and internally convert keys to lower case).
Fixed in HEAD.