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by cmendis 03 Oct 13:28
No Mgr found

I'm just "getting started - getting the following error
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: No Mgr found for com.virtusa.gto.test.model.DomainClass@1c80b01

Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong? Only happened after introducing a simple entity in line with the getting started tutorial.

05 Oct 04:35
by florin

The entity object does not have a corresponding database table.

05 Oct 04:39
by florin

I guess the next step is needed. If starting the server from within a java class, add the following to generate the table:


If using a configuration file for ebean, set the above properties.

06 Oct 17:26
by cmendis

Already set those settings in file. The SQL query part works - so connection etc. seems to work. I'm using MS SQL Server DB.

11 Oct 18:10
by cmendis

There was a mistake in the entity definition - my bad. Working fine now. There was an error in the DDL generation for SQL Server though (the DDL generated has a reference to auto_increment instead of IDENTITY) - works fine if the tables are there. Love the simplicity of the API compared to JPA.

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