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by Paul 31 Dec 04:41
DMBS configurations that do not support transactions

I am testing with a mysql configuration that only has MyISAM tables. Is there a ebean property to turn off transaction related sql directives?

03 Jan 10:18
by Rob

No. Afraid not.

I wonder what problems you would hit with that. Let me know if/when you hit them.

Thanks, Rob.

05 Jan 16:37
by Paul

The following is my stack trace. I can my mysql configuration to support transactions but when I'm in development mode it's nice to leave it in MyISAM mode:

javax.persistence.PersistenceException: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Can't call rollback when autocommit=true

07 Jan 07:17
by Rob

Actually this might be a different problem to what I was thinking... in that it looks like the connections look to be in autocommit=true mode.

That is, it could be that Ebean is assuming that the connection pool by default creates connections with autocommit=false. If Ebean is not checking this that could be considered a bug...

Are you able to check that the DataSource is in fact defaulting autocommit=true... and can you set it to autocommit=false? Perhaps this is actually what you meant but I didn't understand?

Thanks, Rob.

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