Queries in Ebean


You can use fetch() to explicitly state which additional paths you want to fetch. You would do this to reduce "lazy loading" of those beans later.

// fetch orders and also fetch the order details
List<Order> orders = 

... results in the "left outer join or_order_detail" and related d.* columns being included in the query (so they won't be lazy loaded later).

<sql summary='[app.data.test.Order] +many[details]'>
select o.id, o.order_date, o.ship_date, o.cretime, o.updtime, o.status_code, o.customer_id
        , d.id, d.order_qty, d.ship_qty, d.cretime, d.updtime, d.order_id, d.product_id 
from or_order o
left outer join or_order_detail d on o.id = d.order_id  
order by o.id

An example with a few more paths fetched. Note that Ebean determines the type of SQL join for you based on the cardinality and optionality of the relationship.

List<Order> orders = 
<sql summary='[app.data.test.Order, customer, -
--                  customer.billingAddress, customer.shippingAddress] -
--				+many[details, details.product]'>

select o.id, o.order_date, o.ship_date, o.cretime, o.updtime, o.status_code
        , c.id, c.name, c.cretime, c.updtime, c.status_code
        , cb.id, cb.line_1, cb.line_2, cb.city, cb.region, cb.cretime, cb.updtime, cb.country_code
        , ca.id, ca.line_1, ca.line_2, ca.city, ca.region, ca.cretime, ca.updtime, ca.country_code
        , d.id, d.order_qty, d.ship_qty, d.cretime, d.updtime, d.order_id
        , dp.id, dp.sku, dp.name, dp.cretime, dp.updtime 
from or_order o
join or_customer c on o.customer_id = c.id 
left outer join or_address cb on c.billing_address_id = cb.id 
left outer join or_address ca on c.shipping_address_id = ca.id 
left outer join or_order_detail d on o.id = d.order_id 
left outer join or_product dp on d.product_id = dp.id  
order by o.id

Ebean will automatically add SQL joins if they are required for the where clause or order by clause (and the matching joins are not explicitly included).

List<Order> orders = 
		.where().ilike("customer.name", "rob%")

... in the sql below, the join to or_customer is automatically added to support the where clause.

<sql summary='[app.data.test.Order]'>
select o.id, o.order_date, o.ship_date, o.cretime, o.updtime, o.status_code, o.customer_id 
from or_order o
join or_customer c on o.customer_id = c.id  
where lower(c.name) like ? 
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