Class RawSql.Sql

  extended by com.avaje.ebean.RawSql.Sql
Enclosing class:

public static final class RawSql.Sql
extends Object

Represents the sql part of the query. For parsed RawSql the sql is broken up so that Ebean can insert extra WHERE and HAVING expressions into the SQL.

Method Summary
 String getOrderBy()
          Return the SQL ORDER BY clause.
 String getPreFrom()
          Return the SQL prior to FROM clause.
 String getPreHaving()
          Return the SQL prior to HAVING clause.
 String getPreWhere()
          Return the SQL prior to WHERE clause.
 String getUnparsedSql()
          Return the SQL when it is unparsed.
 boolean isAndHavingExpr()
          Return true if there is already a HAVING clause and any extra having expressions start with AND.
 boolean isAndWhereExpr()
          Return true if there is already a WHERE clause and any extra where expressions start with AND.
 boolean isParsed()
          Return true if the SQL is left completely unmodified.
 int queryHash()
          Return a hash for this query.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public int queryHash()
Return a hash for this query.


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public boolean isParsed()
Return true if the SQL is left completely unmodified.

This means Ebean can't add WHERE or HAVING expressions into the query - it will be left completely unmodified.


public String getUnparsedSql()
Return the SQL when it is unparsed.


public String getPreFrom()
Return the SQL prior to FROM clause.


public String getPreWhere()
Return the SQL prior to WHERE clause.


public boolean isAndWhereExpr()
Return true if there is already a WHERE clause and any extra where expressions start with AND.


public String getPreHaving()
Return the SQL prior to HAVING clause.


public boolean isAndHavingExpr()
Return true if there is already a HAVING clause and any extra having expressions start with AND.


public String getOrderBy()
Return the SQL ORDER BY clause.

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