Annotation Type Where

public @interface Where

Add an Literal to add to the where clause when a many property (List, Set or Map) is loaded or refreshed.

 // on a OneToMany property...
 @Where(clause = "deleted='y'")
 List<Topic> topics;

Note that you can include "${ta}" as a place holder for the table alias if you need to include the table alias in the clause.

 // ... including the ${ta} table alias placeholder...
 @Where(clause = "${ta}.deleted='y'")
 List<Topic> topics;

This will be added to the where clause when lazy loading the OneToMany property or when there is a join to that OneToMany property.

Required Element Summary
 String clause
          The clause added to the lazy load query.

Element Detail


public abstract String clause
The clause added to the lazy load query.

Note that you can include "${ta}" as a place holder for the table alias if you need to include the table alias in the clause.

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