Uses of Class

Packages that use ServerCacheOptions
com.avaje.ebean.cache Server Cache Service 

Uses of ServerCacheOptions in com.avaje.ebean.cache

Methods in com.avaje.ebean.cache that return ServerCacheOptions
 ServerCacheOptions ServerCacheOptions.copy()
          Return a copy of this object.
 ServerCacheOptions ServerCache.getOptions()
          Return the configuration options for this cache.

Methods in com.avaje.ebean.cache with parameters of type ServerCacheOptions
 void ServerCacheOptions.applyDefaults(ServerCacheOptions defaults)
          Apply any settings from the default settings that have not already been specifically set.
 ServerCache ServerCacheFactory.createCache(Class<?> beanType, ServerCacheOptions cacheOptions)
          Create the cache for the given type with options.
 void ServerCache.setOptions(ServerCacheOptions options)
          Update the configuration options for this cache.

Constructors in com.avaje.ebean.cache with parameters of type ServerCacheOptions
ServerCacheOptions(ServerCacheOptions d)
          Create merging default options with the deployment specified ones.

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