Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExampleExpression
com.avaje.ebean Core API (see Ebean and EbeanServer). 

Uses of ExampleExpression in com.avaje.ebean

Methods in com.avaje.ebean that return ExampleExpression
 ExampleExpression ExampleExpression.caseInsensitive()
          Set case insensitive to true.
 ExampleExpression ExpressionFactory.exampleLike(Object example)
          Create the query by Example expression which is case sensitive and using LikeType.RAW (you need to add you own wildcards % and _).
static ExampleExpression Expr.exampleLike(Object example)
          Create the query by Example expression which is case sensitive and using LikeType.RAW (you need to add you own wildcards % and _).
 ExampleExpression ExpressionFactory.exampleLike(Object example, boolean caseInsensitive, LikeType likeType)
          Create the query by Example expression specifying more options.
static ExampleExpression Expr.exampleLike(Object example, boolean caseInsensitive, LikeType likeType)
          Create the query by Example expression specifying more options.
 ExampleExpression ExpressionFactory.iexampleLike(Object example)
          Case insensitive ExpressionFactory.exampleLike(Object)
static ExampleExpression Expr.iexampleLike(Object example)
          Case insensitive Expr.exampleLike(Object)
 ExampleExpression ExampleExpression.includeZeros()
          By calling this method zero value properties are going to be included in the expression.
 ExampleExpression ExampleExpression.useContains()
          Use contains expression for string properties.
 ExampleExpression ExampleExpression.useEndsWith()
          Use endsWith expression for string properties.
 ExampleExpression ExampleExpression.useEqualTo()
          Use equal to expression for string properties.
 ExampleExpression ExampleExpression.useStartsWith()
          Use startsWith expression for string properties.

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