Packages that use ExpressionList | |
com.avaje.ebean | Core API (see Ebean and EbeanServer). |
com.avaje.ebean.bean | Enhanced beans API and Support objects |
com.avaje.ebean.common | Common non-public interfaces and implementation. |
Uses of ExpressionList in com.avaje.ebean |
Methods in com.avaje.ebean that return ExpressionList | |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.add(Expression expr)
Add an Expression to the list. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.allEq(Map<String,Object> propertyMap)
All Equal - Map containing property names and their values. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.and(Expression expOne,
Expression expTwo)
And - join two expressions with a logical and. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.between(String propertyName,
Object value1,
Object value2)
Between - property between the two given values. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.betweenProperties(String lowProperty,
String highProperty,
Object value)
Between - value between the two properties. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.contains(String propertyName,
String value)
Contains - property like %value%. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.endsWith(String propertyName,
String value)
Ends With - property like %value. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.eq(String propertyName,
Object value)
Equal To - property is equal to a given value. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.exampleLike(Object example)
A "Query By Example" type of expression. |
ExpressionList<T> |
Query.filterMany(String propertyName)
This applies a filter on the 'many' property list rather than the root level objects. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.filterMany(String prop)
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.ge(String propertyName,
Object value)
Greater Than or Equal to - property greater than or equal to the given value. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.gt(String propertyName,
Object value)
Greater Than - property greater than the given value. |
ExpressionList<T> |
Add Expressions to the Having clause return the ExpressionList. |
ExpressionList<T> |
Add expressions to the having clause. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.icontains(String propertyName,
String value)
Case insensitive Contains - property like %value%. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.idEq(Object value)
Id Equal to - ID property is equal to the value. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.idIn(List<?> idValues)
Id IN a list of id values. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.iendsWith(String propertyName,
String value)
Case insensitive Ends With - property like %value. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.ieq(String propertyName,
String value)
Case Insensitive Equal To - property equal to the given value (typically using a lower() function to make it case insensitive). |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.iexampleLike(Object example)
Case insensitive version of exampleLike(Object) |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.ilike(String propertyName,
String value)
Case insensitive Like - property like value where the value contains the SQL wild card characters % (percentage) and _ (underscore). |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.in(String propertyName,
Collection<?> values)
In - property has a value in the collection of values. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.in(String propertyName,
Object[] values)
In - property has a value in the array of values. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.in(String propertyName,
Query<?> subQuery)
In - using a subQuery. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.isNotNull(String propertyName)
Is Not Null - property is not null. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.isNull(String propertyName)
Is Null - property is null. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.istartsWith(String propertyName,
String value)
Case insensitive Starts With - property like value%. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.le(String propertyName,
Object value)
Less Than or Equal to - property less than or equal to the given value. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.like(String propertyName,
String value)
Like - property like value where the value contains the SQL wild card characters % (percentage) and _ (underscore). |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.lt(String propertyName,
Object value)
Less Than - property less than the given value. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.ne(String propertyName,
Object value)
Not Equal To - property not equal to the given value. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.not(Expression exp)
Negate the expression (prefix it with NOT). |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.or(Expression expOne,
Expression expTwo)
Or - join two expressions with a logical or. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.raw(String raw)
Add raw expression with no parameters. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.raw(String raw,
Object value)
Add raw expression with a single parameter. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.raw(String raw,
Object[] values)
Add raw expression with an array of parameters. |
ExpressionList<T> |
ExpressionList.startsWith(String propertyName,
String value)
Starts With - property like value%. |
ExpressionList<T> |
Add Expressions to the where clause with the ability to chain on the ExpressionList. |
ExpressionList<T> |
Add another expression to the where clause. |
Uses of ExpressionList in com.avaje.ebean.bean |
Methods in com.avaje.ebean.bean that return ExpressionList | |
ExpressionList<?> |
Return the filter (if any) that was used in building this collection. |
Methods in com.avaje.ebean.bean with parameters of type ExpressionList | |
void |
BeanCollection.setFilterMany(ExpressionList<?> filterMany)
Set the filter that was used in building this collection. |
Uses of ExpressionList in com.avaje.ebean.common |
Methods in com.avaje.ebean.common that return ExpressionList | |
ExpressionList<?> |
Methods in com.avaje.ebean.common with parameters of type ExpressionList | |
void |
AbstractBeanCollection.setFilterMany(ExpressionList<?> filterMany)