Uses of Class

Packages that use FetchConfig
com.avaje.ebean Core API (see Ebean and EbeanServer). 

Uses of FetchConfig in com.avaje.ebean

Methods in com.avaje.ebean that return FetchConfig
 FetchConfig FetchConfig.lazy()
          Specify that this path should be lazy loaded using the default batch load size.
 FetchConfig FetchConfig.lazy(int lazyBatchSize)
          Specify that this path should be lazy loaded with a specified batch size.
 FetchConfig FetchConfig.query()
          Specify that this path should be loaded as a separate query (rather than as part of the main query).
 FetchConfig FetchConfig.query(int queryBatchSize)
          Specify that this path should be loaded as a separate query (rather than as part of the main query).
 FetchConfig FetchConfig.queryFirst(int queryBatchSize)
          Similar to query(int) but only fetches the first batch.

Methods in com.avaje.ebean with parameters of type FetchConfig
 Query<T> Query.fetch(String path, FetchConfig joinConfig)
          Additionally specify a JoinConfig to specify a "query join" and or define the lazy loading query.
 Query<T> Query.fetch(String assocProperty, String fetchProperties, FetchConfig fetchConfig)
          Additionally specify a FetchConfig to use a separate query or lazy loading to load this path.

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