Uses of Class

Packages that use OrderBy
com.avaje.ebean Core API (see Ebean and EbeanServer). 

Uses of OrderBy in com.avaje.ebean

Methods in com.avaje.ebean that return OrderBy
 OrderBy<T> OrderBy.copy()
          Return a copy of the OrderBy.
 OrderBy<T> Query.order()
          Return the OrderBy so that you can append an ascending or descending property to the order by clause.
 OrderBy<T> ExpressionList.order()
          Return the OrderBy so that you can append an ascending or descending property to the order by clause.
 OrderBy<T> Query.orderBy()
          Return the OrderBy so that you can append an ascending or descending property to the order by clause.

Methods in com.avaje.ebean with parameters of type OrderBy
 Query<T> Query.setOrder(OrderBy<T> orderBy)
          Set an OrderBy object to replace any existing OrderBy clause.
 Query<T> Query.setOrderBy(OrderBy<T> orderBy)
          Set an OrderBy object to replace any existing OrderBy clause.

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