Uses of Interface

Packages that use SqlRow
com.avaje.ebean Core API (see Ebean and EbeanServer). 

Uses of SqlRow in com.avaje.ebean

Methods in com.avaje.ebean that return SqlRow
 SqlRow SqlQuery.findUnique()
          Execute the query returning a single row or null.
 SqlRow EbeanServer.findUnique(SqlQuery query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the sql query returning a single MapBean or null.

Methods in com.avaje.ebean that return types with arguments of type SqlRow
 List<SqlRow> SqlQuery.findList()
          Execute the query returning a list.
 List<SqlRow> EbeanServer.findList(SqlQuery query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the sql query returning a list of MapBean.
 Map<?,SqlRow> SqlQuery.findMap()
          Execute the query returning a map.
 Map<?,SqlRow> EbeanServer.findMap(SqlQuery query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the sql query returning a map of MapBean.
 Set<SqlRow> SqlQuery.findSet()
          Execute the query returning a set.
 Set<SqlRow> EbeanServer.findSet(SqlQuery query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the sql query returning a set of MapBean.

Methods in com.avaje.ebean with parameters of type SqlRow
 void SqlQueryListener.process(SqlRow bean)
          Process the bean that has just been read.

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