Uses of Interface

Packages that use EncryptKey
com.avaje.ebean.config Configuration settings for EbeanServer construction 

Uses of EncryptKey in com.avaje.ebean.config

Methods in com.avaje.ebean.config that return EncryptKey
 EncryptKey EncryptKeyManager.getEncryptKey(String tableName, String columnName)
          Return the key used to encrypt and decrypt a property mapping to the given table and column.

Methods in com.avaje.ebean.config with parameters of type EncryptKey
 byte[] Encryptor.decrypt(byte[] data, EncryptKey key)
          Decrypt the data using the key.
 String Encryptor.decryptString(byte[] data, EncryptKey key)
          Decrypt the data returning a formatted string value using a key.
 byte[] Encryptor.encrypt(byte[] data, EncryptKey key)
          Encrypt the data using the key.
 byte[] Encryptor.encryptString(String formattedValue, EncryptKey key)
          Encrypt the formatted string value using a key.

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