Class PathProperties

  extended by com.avaje.ebean.text.PathProperties

public class PathProperties
extends Object

This is a Tree like structure of paths and properties that can be used for defining which parts of an object graph to render in JSON or XML, and can also be used to define which parts to select and fetch for an ORM query.

It provides a way of parsing a string representation of nested path properties and applying that to both what to fetch (ORM query) and what to render (JAX-RS JSON / XML).


Nested Class Summary
static class PathProperties.Props
Constructor Summary
          Construct an empty PathProperties.
Method Summary
 void addToPath(String path, String property)
 void apply(Query<?> query)
          Apply these path properties as fetch paths to the query.
 PathProperties copy()
          Create a copy of this instance so that it can be modified.
 Set<String> get(String path)
          Get the properties for a given path.
 Collection<PathProperties.Props> getPathProps()
 Set<String> getPaths()
          Return a shallow copy of the paths.
 boolean hasPath(String path)
          Return true if the path is defined and has properties.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Return true if there are no paths defined.
static PathProperties parse(String source)
          Parse and return a PathProperties from nested string format like (a,b,c(d,e),f(g)) where "c" is a path containing "d" and "e" and "f" is a path containing "g" and the root path contains "a","b","c" and "f".
 void put(String path, Set<String> properties)
          Set the properties for a given path.
 Set<String> remove(String path)
          Remove a path returning the properties set for that path.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PathProperties()
Construct an empty PathProperties.

Method Detail


public static PathProperties parse(String source)
Parse and return a PathProperties from nested string format like (a,b,c(d,e),f(g)) where "c" is a path containing "d" and "e" and "f" is a path containing "g" and the root path contains "a","b","c" and "f".


public PathProperties copy()
Create a copy of this instance so that it can be modified.

For example, you may want to create a copy to add extra properties to a path so that they are fetching in a ORM query but perhaps not rendered by default. That is, use a PathProperties for JSON or XML rendering, but create a copy, add some extra properties and then use that copy to define an ORM query.


public boolean isEmpty()
Return true if there are no paths defined.


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public boolean hasPath(String path)
Return true if the path is defined and has properties.


public Set<String> get(String path)
Get the properties for a given path.


public void addToPath(String path,
                      String property)


public void put(String path,
                Set<String> properties)
Set the properties for a given path.


public Set<String> remove(String path)
Remove a path returning the properties set for that path.


public Set<String> getPaths()
Return a shallow copy of the paths.


public Collection<PathProperties.Props> getPathProps()


public void apply(Query<?> query)
Apply these path properties as fetch paths to the query.

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