Interface JsonElement

All Known Implementing Classes:
JsonElementArray, JsonElementBoolean, JsonElementNull, JsonElementNumber, JsonElementObject, JsonElementString

public interface JsonElement

Marker interface for all the Raw JSON types.

You will only use the JsonElements when you register a JsonReadBeanVisitor. The JSON elements that are not mapped to a bean property are made available to the JsonReadBeanVisitor.

See Also:

Method Summary
 boolean isPrimitive()
          Return true if this is a JSON primitive type (null, boolean, number or string).
 String toPrimitiveString()
          Return the string value of this primitive JSON element.

Method Detail


boolean isPrimitive()
Return true if this is a JSON primitive type (null, boolean, number or string).


String toPrimitiveString()
Return the string value of this primitive JSON element.

This can not be used for JsonElementObject or JsonElementArray.

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