Uses of Class

Packages that use JsonReadOptions
com.avaje.ebean.text.json JSON formatting and parsing objects (See JsonContext). 

Uses of JsonReadOptions in com.avaje.ebean.text.json

Methods in com.avaje.ebean.text.json that return JsonReadOptions
 JsonReadOptions JsonReadOptions.addRootVisitor(JsonReadBeanVisitor<?> visitor)
          Register a JsonReadBeanVisitor for the root level.
 JsonReadOptions JsonReadOptions.addVisitor(String path, JsonReadBeanVisitor<?> visitor)
          Register a JsonReadBeanVisitor for a given path.
 JsonReadOptions JsonReadOptions.setValueAdapter(JsonValueAdapter valueAdapter)
          Set a JsonValueAdapter for custom DateTime and Date formatting.

Methods in com.avaje.ebean.text.json with parameters of type JsonReadOptions
<T> T
JsonContext.toBean(Class<T> rootType, Reader json, JsonReadOptions options)
          Convert json reader input into a Bean of a specific type with options.
<T> T
JsonContext.toBean(Class<T> rootType, String json, JsonReadOptions options)
          Convert json string input into a Bean of a specific type with options.
<T> List<T>
JsonContext.toList(Class<T> rootType, Reader json, JsonReadOptions options)
          Convert json reader input into a list of beans of a specific type with options.
<T> List<T>
JsonContext.toList(Class<T> rootType, String json, JsonReadOptions options)
          Convert json string input into a list of beans of a specific type with options.
 Object JsonContext.toObject(Type genericType, Reader json, JsonReadOptions options)
          Use the genericType to determine if this should be converted into a List or bean.
 Object JsonContext.toObject(Type genericType, String json, JsonReadOptions options)
          Use the genericType to determine if this should be converted into a List or bean.

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