Uses of Class

Packages that use JsonWriteOptions
com.avaje.ebean.text.json JSON formatting and parsing objects (See JsonContext). 

Uses of JsonWriteOptions in com.avaje.ebean.text.json

Methods in com.avaje.ebean.text.json that return JsonWriteOptions
 JsonWriteOptions JsonWriteOptions.copy()
          This creates and returns a copy of these options.
 JsonWriteOptions JsonWriteOptions.setCallback(String callback)
          Set a JSONP callback function.
 JsonWriteOptions JsonWriteOptions.setPathProperties(String path, Set<String> propertiesToInclude)
          Set the properties to include in the JSON output for the given path.
 JsonWriteOptions JsonWriteOptions.setPathProperties(String path, String propertiesToInclude)
          Set the properties to include in the JSON output for the given path.
 JsonWriteOptions JsonWriteOptions.setPathVisitor(String path, JsonWriteBeanVisitor<?> visitor)
          Register a JsonWriteBeanVisitor for the given path.
 JsonWriteOptions JsonWriteOptions.setRootPathProperties(Set<String> propertiesToInclude)
          Set the properties to include in the JSON output for the root level.
 JsonWriteOptions JsonWriteOptions.setRootPathProperties(String propertiesToInclude)
          Set the properties to include in the JSON output for the root level.
 JsonWriteOptions JsonWriteOptions.setRootPathVisitor(JsonWriteBeanVisitor<?> visitor)
          Register a JsonWriteBeanVisitor for the root level.
 JsonWriteOptions JsonWriteOptions.setValueAdapter(JsonValueAdapter valueAdapter)
          Set a JsonValueAdapter for custom DateTime and Date formatting.

Methods in com.avaje.ebean.text.json with parameters of type JsonWriteOptions
 String JsonContext.toJsonString(Object o, boolean pretty, JsonWriteOptions options)
          Convert a bean or collection to json string using options.
 String JsonContext.toJsonString(Object o, boolean pretty, JsonWriteOptions options, String callback)
          Convert a bean or collection to json string using a JSONP callback.
 void JsonContext.toJsonWriter(Object o, Writer writer, boolean pretty, JsonWriteOptions options)
          With additional options to specify JsonValueAdapter and JsonWriteBeanVisitor's.
 void JsonContext.toJsonWriter(Object o, Writer writer, boolean pretty, JsonWriteOptions options, String callback)
          With additional JSONP callback function.

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