Uses of Interface

Packages that use Query
com.avaje.ebean Core API (see Ebean and EbeanServer). 
com.avaje.ebean.event Persist and Query Event Controllers and Listeners 
com.avaje.ebean.text Utility objects for CSV, JSON and XML processing. 

Uses of Query in com.avaje.ebean

Methods in com.avaje.ebean that return Query
 Query<T> OrderBy.asc(String propertyName)
          Add a property with ascending order to this OrderBy.
<T> Query<T>
EbeanServer.createNamedQuery(Class<T> beanType, String namedQuery)
          Create a named query for an entity bean (refer Ebean.createQuery(Class, String))
<T> Query<T>
Ebean.createNamedQuery(Class<T> beanType, String namedQuery)
          Return a named Query that will have defined fetch paths, predicates etc.
<T> Query<T>
EbeanServer.createQuery(Class<T> beanType)
          Create a query for an entity bean (refer Ebean.createQuery(Class) ).
<T> Query<T>
Ebean.createQuery(Class<T> beanType)
          Create a query for a type of entity bean.
<T> Query<T>
EbeanServer.createQuery(Class<T> beanType, String query)
          Create a query using the query language.
<T> Query<T>
Ebean.createQuery(Class<T> beanType, String query)
          Create a query using the query language.
 Query<T> OrderBy.desc(String propertyName)
          Add a property with descending order to this OrderBy.
 Query<T> Query.fetch(String path)
          Specify a path to load including all its properties.
 Query<T> Query.fetch(String path, FetchConfig joinConfig)
          Additionally specify a JoinConfig to specify a "query join" and or define the lazy loading query.
 Query<T> Query.fetch(String path, String fetchProperties)
          Specify a path to fetch with its specific properties to include (aka partial object).
 Query<T> Query.fetch(String assocProperty, String fetchProperties, FetchConfig fetchConfig)
          Additionally specify a FetchConfig to use a separate query or lazy loading to load this path.
<T> Query<T>
EbeanServer.find(Class<T> beanType)
          Create a query for a type of entity bean (the same as EbeanServer.createQuery(Class)).
<T> Query<T>
Ebean.find(Class<T> beanType)
          Create a query for a type of entity bean.
 Query<T> OrderBy.getQuery()
          Return the associated query if there is one.
 Query<T> FutureList.getQuery()
          Return the query that is being executed by a background thread.
 Query<T> FutureIds.getQuery()
          Returns the original query used to fetch the Id's.
 Query<T> Query.having(Expression addExpressionToHaving)
          Add an expression to the having clause returning the query.
 Query<T> Query.having(String addToHavingClause)
          Add additional clause(s) to the having clause.
 Query<T> Query.join(String path)
          Same as fetch(String)
 Query<T> ExpressionList.join(String assocProperties)
          Specify a property (associated bean) to join and fetch including all its properties.
 Query<T> Query.join(String path, JoinConfig joinConfig)
          Same as fetch(String, FetchConfig)
 Query<T> Query.join(String assocProperty, String fetchProperties)
          Same as fetch(String, String).
 Query<T> ExpressionList.join(String assocProperty, String assocProperties)
          Specify a property (associated bean) to join and fetch with its specific properties to include (aka partial object).
 Query<T> Query.join(String assocProperty, String fetchProperties, JoinConfig joinConfig)
          Additionally specify a JoinConfig to specify a "query join" and or define the lazy loading query.
 Query<T> Query.order(String orderByClause)
          Set the order by clause replacing the existing order by clause if there is one.
 Query<T> ExpressionList.order(String orderByClause)
          Set the order by clause replacing the existing order by clause if there is one.
 Query<T> Query.orderBy(String orderByClause)
          Set the order by clause replacing the existing order by clause if there is one.
 Query<T> ExpressionList.orderBy(String orderBy)
          Add an orderBy clause to the query.
 Query<T> ExpressionList.query()
          Return the query that owns this expression list.
 Query<T> fetchProperties)
          Explicitly set a comma delimited list of the properties to fetch on the 'main' entity bean (aka partial object).
 Query<T> properties)
          Specify specific properties to fetch on the main/root bean (aka partial object).
 Query<T> Query.setAutofetch(boolean autofetch)
          Explicitly specify whether to use Autofetch for this query.
 Query<T> Query.setBackgroundFetchAfter(int backgroundFetchAfter)
          Set the rows after which fetching should continue in a background thread.
 Query<T> ExpressionList.setBackgroundFetchAfter(int backgroundFetchAfter)
          Set the number of rows after which the fetching should continue in a background thread.
 Query<T> Query.setBufferFetchSizeHint(int fetchSize)
          A hint which for JDBC translates to the Statement.fetchSize().
 Query<T> Query.setDistinct(boolean isDistinct)
          Set whether this query uses DISTINCT.
 Query<T> Query.setFirstRow(int firstRow)
          Set the first row to return for this query.
 Query<T> ExpressionList.setFirstRow(int firstRow)
          Set the first row to fetch.
 Query<T> Query.setId(Object id)
          Set the Id value to query.
 Query<T> Query.setListener(QueryListener<T> queryListener)
          Set a listener to process the query on a row by row basis.
 Query<T> ExpressionList.setListener(QueryListener<T> queryListener)
          Set a QueryListener for bean by bean processing.
 Query<T> Query.setLoadBeanCache(boolean loadBeanCache)
          When set to true all the beans from this query are loaded into the bean cache.
 Query<T> Query.setMapKey(String mapKey)
          Set the property to use as keys for a map.
 Query<T> ExpressionList.setMapKey(String mapKey)
          Set the name of the property which values become the key of a map.
 Query<T> Query.setMaxRows(int maxRows)
          Set the maximum number of rows to return in the query.
 Query<T> ExpressionList.setMaxRows(int maxRows)
          Set the maximum number of rows to fetch.
 Query<T> Query.setOrder(OrderBy<T> orderBy)
          Set an OrderBy object to replace any existing OrderBy clause.
 Query<T> Query.setOrderBy(OrderBy<T> orderBy)
          Set an OrderBy object to replace any existing OrderBy clause.
 Query<T> ExpressionList.setOrderBy(String orderBy)
          Add an orderBy clause to the query.
 Query<T> Query.setParameter(int position, Object value)
          Set an ordered bind parameter according to its position.
 Query<T> Query.setParameter(String name, Object value)
          Set a named bind parameter.
 Query<T> Query.setQuery(String oql)
 Query<T> Query.setRawSql(RawSql rawSql)
          Set RawSql to use for this query.
 Query<T> Query.setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
          When set to true when you want the returned beans to be read only.
 Query<T> Query.setTimeout(int secs)
          Set a timeout on this query.
 Query<T> Query.setUseCache(boolean useBeanCache)
          Set this to true to use the bean cache.
 Query<T> ExpressionList.setUseCache(boolean useCache)
          Set to true to use the query for executing this query.
 Query<T> Query.setUseQueryCache(boolean useQueryCache)
          Set this to true to use the query cache.
 Query<T> Query.setVanillaMode(boolean vanillaMode)
          Set this to true and the beans and collections returned will be plain classes rather than Ebean generated dynamic subclasses etc.
 Query<T> Query.where(Expression expression)
          Add a single Expression to the where clause returning the query.
 Query<T> Query.where(String addToWhereClause)
          Add additional clause(s) to the where clause.

Methods in com.avaje.ebean with parameters of type Query
<T> FutureIds<T>
EbeanServer.findFutureIds(Query<T> query, Transaction t)
          Execute find Id's query in a background thread.
<T> FutureList<T>
EbeanServer.findFutureList(Query<T> query, Transaction t)
          Execute find list query in a background thread.
<T> FutureRowCount<T>
EbeanServer.findFutureRowCount(Query<T> query, Transaction t)
          Execute find row count query in a background thread.
<T> List<Object>
EbeanServer.findIds(Query<T> query, Transaction t)
          Return the Id values of the query as a List.
<T> List<T>
EbeanServer.findList(Query<T> query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute a query returning a list of beans.
<T> Map<?,T>
EbeanServer.findMap(Query<T> query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the query returning the entity beans in a Map.
<T> PagingList<T>
EbeanServer.findPagingList(Query<T> query, Transaction t, int pageSize)
<T> int
EbeanServer.findRowCount(Query<T> query, Transaction transaction)
          Return the number of 'top level' or 'root' entities this query should return.
<T> Set<T>
EbeanServer.findSet(Query<T> query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the query returning a set of entity beans.
<T> T
EbeanServer.findUnique(Query<T> query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the query returning at most one entity bean.
 ExpressionList<T> propertyName, Query<?> subQuery)
          In - using a subQuery.
 Expression propertyName, Query<?> subQuery)
          In - using a subQuery.
static Expression propertyName, Query<?> subQuery)
          In - using a subQuery.
 void OrderBy.setQuery(Query<T> query)
          Associate this OrderBy with a query.

Constructors in com.avaje.ebean with parameters of type Query
OrderBy(Query<T> query, String orderByClause)
          Construct with a given query and order by clause.

Uses of Query in com.avaje.ebean.event

Methods in com.avaje.ebean.event that return Query
 Query<T> BeanQueryRequest.getQuery()
          Returns the query.

Uses of Query in com.avaje.ebean.text

Methods in com.avaje.ebean.text with parameters of type Query
 void PathProperties.apply(Query<?> query)
          Apply these path properties as fetch paths to the query.

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