Uses of Interface

Packages that use Transaction
com.avaje.ebean Core API (see Ebean and EbeanServer). 
com.avaje.ebean.event Persist and Query Event Controllers and Listeners 

Uses of Transaction in com.avaje.ebean

Methods in com.avaje.ebean that return Transaction
 Transaction EbeanServer.beginTransaction()
          Start a new transaction putting it into a ThreadLocal.
static Transaction Ebean.beginTransaction()
          Start a new explicit transaction.
 Transaction EbeanServer.beginTransaction(TxIsolation isolation)
          Start a transaction additionally specifying the isolation level.
static Transaction Ebean.beginTransaction(TxIsolation isolation)
          Start a transaction additionally specifying the isolation level.
 Transaction EbeanServer.createTransaction()
          Create a new transaction that is not held in TransactionThreadLocal.
 Transaction EbeanServer.createTransaction(TxIsolation isolation)
          Create a new transaction additionally specifying the isolation level.
 Transaction EbeanServer.currentTransaction()
          Returns the current transaction or null if there is no current transaction in scope.
static Transaction Ebean.currentTransaction()
          Returns the current transaction or null if there is no current transaction in scope.

Methods in com.avaje.ebean with parameters of type Transaction
 void EbeanServer.delete(Class<?> beanType, Collection<?> ids, Transaction t)
          Delete several beans given their type and id values with an explicit transaction.
 int EbeanServer.delete(Class<?> beanType, Object id, Transaction t)
          Delete the bean given its type and id with an explicit transaction.
 int EbeanServer.delete(Iterator<?> it, Transaction t)
          Delete all the beans from an iterator.
 void EbeanServer.delete(Object bean, Transaction t)
          Delete the bean with an explicit transaction.
 int EbeanServer.deleteManyToManyAssociations(Object ownerBean, String propertyName, Transaction t)
          Delete the associations (from the intersection table) of a ManyToMany given the owner bean and the propertyName of the ManyToMany collection.
 int EbeanServer.execute(CallableSql callableSql, Transaction t)
          Execute explicitly passing a transaction.
 int EbeanServer.execute(SqlUpdate updSql, Transaction t)
          Execute explicitly passing a transaction.
 int EbeanServer.execute(Update<?> update, Transaction t)
          Execute a ORM insert update or delete statement with an explicit transaction.
<T> T
EbeanServer.find(Class<T> beanType, Object uid, Transaction transaction)
          Find a entity bean with an explicit transaction.
<T> FutureIds<T>
EbeanServer.findFutureIds(Query<T> query, Transaction t)
          Execute find Id's query in a background thread.
<T> FutureList<T>
EbeanServer.findFutureList(Query<T> query, Transaction t)
          Execute find list query in a background thread.
 SqlFutureList EbeanServer.findFutureList(SqlQuery query, Transaction t)
          Execute find list SQL query in a background thread.
<T> FutureRowCount<T>
EbeanServer.findFutureRowCount(Query<T> query, Transaction t)
          Execute find row count query in a background thread.
<T> List<Object>
EbeanServer.findIds(Query<T> query, Transaction t)
          Return the Id values of the query as a List.
<T> List<T>
EbeanServer.findList(Query<T> query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute a query returning a list of beans.
 List<SqlRow> EbeanServer.findList(SqlQuery query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the sql query returning a list of MapBean.
<T> Map<?,T>
EbeanServer.findMap(Query<T> query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the query returning the entity beans in a Map.
 Map<?,SqlRow> EbeanServer.findMap(SqlQuery query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the sql query returning a map of MapBean.
<T> PagingList<T>
EbeanServer.findPagingList(Query<T> query, Transaction t, int pageSize)
<T> int
EbeanServer.findRowCount(Query<T> query, Transaction transaction)
          Return the number of 'top level' or 'root' entities this query should return.
<T> Set<T>
EbeanServer.findSet(Query<T> query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the query returning a set of entity beans.
 Set<SqlRow> EbeanServer.findSet(SqlQuery query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the sql query returning a set of MapBean.
<T> T
EbeanServer.findUnique(Query<T> query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the query returning at most one entity bean.
 SqlRow EbeanServer.findUnique(SqlQuery query, Transaction transaction)
          Execute the sql query returning a single MapBean or null.
 int<?> it, Transaction t)
          Save all the beans in the iterator with an explicit transaction.
 void bean, Transaction t)
          Insert or update a bean with an explicit transaction.
 void EbeanServer.saveAssociation(Object ownerBean, String propertyName, Transaction t)
          Save the associated collection or bean given the property name with a specific transaction.
 void EbeanServer.saveManyToManyAssociations(Object ownerBean, String propertyName, Transaction t)
          Save the associations of a ManyToMany given the owner bean and the propertyName of the ManyToMany collection.
 void EbeanServer.update(Object bean, Set<String> updateProps, Transaction t)
          Force an update of the specified properties of the bean with an explicit transaction.
 void EbeanServer.update(Object bean, Transaction t)
          Force an update of the non-null properties of the bean with an explicit transaction.

Uses of Transaction in com.avaje.ebean.event

Methods in com.avaje.ebean.event that return Transaction
 Transaction BeanQueryRequest.getTransaction()
          Return the Transaction associated with this request.
 Transaction BeanPersistRequest.getTransaction()
          Return the Transaction associated with this request.

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