Interface BeanPersistRequest<T>

public interface BeanPersistRequest<T>

Holds the information available for a bean persist (insert, update or delete).

This is made available for the BeanPersistControllers.

Method Summary
 T getBean()
          Returns the bean being inserted updated or deleted.
 EbeanServer getEbeanServer()
          Return the server processing the request.
 Set<String> getLoadedProperties()
          For an update or delete of a partially populated bean this is the set of loaded properties and otherwise returns null.
 T getOldValues()
          Returns a bean containing the original values prior to the bean being modified.
 Transaction getTransaction()
          Return the Transaction associated with this request.
 Set<String> getUpdatedProperties()
          For an update this is the set of properties that where updated.

Method Detail


EbeanServer getEbeanServer()
Return the server processing the request.


Transaction getTransaction()
Return the Transaction associated with this request.


Set<String> getLoadedProperties()
For an update or delete of a partially populated bean this is the set of loaded properties and otherwise returns null.


Set<String> getUpdatedProperties()
For an update this is the set of properties that where updated.


T getBean()
Returns the bean being inserted updated or deleted.


T getOldValues()
Returns a bean containing the original values prior to the bean being modified.

This is for updates only.

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