Class DataSourceConfig

  extended by com.avaje.ebean.config.DataSourceConfig

public class DataSourceConfig
extends Object

Used to config a DataSource when using the internal Ebean DataSource implementation.

If a DataSource instance is already defined via ServerConfig.setDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource) or defined as JNDI dataSource via ServerConfig.setDataSourceJndiName(String) then those will used and not this DataSourceConfig.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int getCstmtCacheSize()
          Return the size of the CallableStatement cache (per connection).
 String getDriver()
          Return the database driver.
 String getHeartbeatSql()
          Return a SQL statement used to test the database is accessible.
 int getLeakTimeMinutes()
          Return the time in minutes after which a connection could be considered to have leaked.
 int getMaxConnections()
          Return the maximum number of connections the pool can reach.
 int getMaxInactiveTimeSecs()
          Return the time in seconds a connection can be idle after which it can be trimmed from the pool.
 int getMaxStackTraceSize()
          Return the max size for reporting stack traces on busy connections.
 int getMinConnections()
          Return the minimum number of connections the pool should maintain.
 String getPassword()
          Return the database password.
 String getPoolListener()
          Return the pool listener.
 int getPstmtCacheSize()
          Return the size of the PreparedStatement cache (per connection).
 String getUrl()
          Return the connection URL.
 String getUsername()
          Return the database username.
 int getWaitTimeoutMillis()
          Return the time in millis to wait for a connection before timing out once the pool has reached its maximum size.
 boolean isCaptureStackTrace()
          Return true if a stack trace should be captured when obtaining a connection from the pool.
 boolean isOffline()
          Return true if the DataSource should be left offline.
 void loadSettings(String serverName)
          Load the settings from
 void setCaptureStackTrace(boolean captureStackTrace)
          Set to true if a stack trace should be captured when obtaining a connection from the pool.
 void setCstmtCacheSize(int cstmtCacheSize)
          Set the size of the CallableStatement cache (per connection).
 void setDriver(String driver)
          Set the database driver.
 void setHeartbeatSql(String heartbeatSql)
          Set a SQL statement used to test the database is accessible.
 void setLeakTimeMinutes(int leakTimeMinutes)
          Set the time in minutes after which a connection could be considered to have leaked.
 void setMaxConnections(int maxConnections)
          Set the maximum number of connections the pool can reach.
 void setMaxInactiveTimeSecs(int maxInactiveTimeSecs)
          Set the time in seconds a connection can be idle after which it can be trimmed from the pool.
 void setMaxStackTraceSize(int maxStackTraceSize)
          Set the max size for reporting stack traces on busy connections.
 void setMinConnections(int minConnections)
          Set the minimum number of connections the pool should maintain.
 void setOffline(boolean offline)
          Set to true if the DataSource should be left offline.
 void setPassword(String password)
          Set the database password.
 void setPoolListener(String poolListener)
          Set a pool listener.
 void setPstmtCacheSize(int pstmtCacheSize)
          Set the size of the PreparedStatement cache (per connection).
 void setUrl(String url)
          Set the connection URL.
 void setUsername(String username)
          Set the database username.
 void setWaitTimeoutMillis(int waitTimeoutMillis)
          Set the time in millis to wait for a connection before timing out once the pool has reached its maximum size.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DataSourceConfig()
Method Detail


public String getUrl()
Return the connection URL.


public void setUrl(String url)
Set the connection URL.


public String getUsername()
Return the database username.


public void setUsername(String username)
Set the database username.


public String getPassword()
Return the database password.


public void setPassword(String password)
Set the database password.


public String getDriver()
Return the database driver.


public void setDriver(String driver)
Set the database driver.


public int getMinConnections()
Return the minimum number of connections the pool should maintain.


public void setMinConnections(int minConnections)
Set the minimum number of connections the pool should maintain.


public int getMaxConnections()
Return the maximum number of connections the pool can reach.


public void setMaxConnections(int maxConnections)
Set the maximum number of connections the pool can reach.


public String getHeartbeatSql()
Return a SQL statement used to test the database is accessible.

Note that if this is not set then it can get defaulted from the DatabasePlatform.


public void setHeartbeatSql(String heartbeatSql)
Set a SQL statement used to test the database is accessible.

Note that if this is not set then it can get defaulted from the DatabasePlatform.


public boolean isCaptureStackTrace()
Return true if a stack trace should be captured when obtaining a connection from the pool.

This can be used to diagnose a suspected connection pool leak.

Obviously this has a performance overhead.


public void setCaptureStackTrace(boolean captureStackTrace)
Set to true if a stack trace should be captured when obtaining a connection from the pool.

This can be used to diagnose a suspected connection pool leak.

Obviously this has a performance overhead.


public int getMaxStackTraceSize()
Return the max size for reporting stack traces on busy connections.


public void setMaxStackTraceSize(int maxStackTraceSize)
Set the max size for reporting stack traces on busy connections.


public int getLeakTimeMinutes()
Return the time in minutes after which a connection could be considered to have leaked.


public void setLeakTimeMinutes(int leakTimeMinutes)
Set the time in minutes after which a connection could be considered to have leaked.


public int getPstmtCacheSize()
Return the size of the PreparedStatement cache (per connection).


public void setPstmtCacheSize(int pstmtCacheSize)
Set the size of the PreparedStatement cache (per connection).


public int getCstmtCacheSize()
Return the size of the CallableStatement cache (per connection).


public void setCstmtCacheSize(int cstmtCacheSize)
Set the size of the CallableStatement cache (per connection).


public int getWaitTimeoutMillis()
Return the time in millis to wait for a connection before timing out once the pool has reached its maximum size.


public void setWaitTimeoutMillis(int waitTimeoutMillis)
Set the time in millis to wait for a connection before timing out once the pool has reached its maximum size.


public int getMaxInactiveTimeSecs()
Return the time in seconds a connection can be idle after which it can be trimmed from the pool.

This is so that the pool after a busy period can trend over time back towards the minimum connections.


public void setMaxInactiveTimeSecs(int maxInactiveTimeSecs)
Set the time in seconds a connection can be idle after which it can be trimmed from the pool.

This is so that the pool after a busy period can trend over time back towards the minimum connections.


public String getPoolListener()
Return the pool listener.


public void setPoolListener(String poolListener)
Set a pool listener.


public boolean isOffline()
Return true if the DataSource should be left offline.

This is to support DDL generation etc without having a real database.


public void setOffline(boolean offline)
Set to true if the DataSource should be left offline.

This is to support DDL generation etc without having a real database.

Note that you MUST specify the database platform name (oracle, postgres, h2, mysql etc) using ServerConfig.setDatabasePlatformName(String) when you do this.


public void loadSettings(String serverName)
Load the settings from

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