Class ServerConfig

  extended by com.avaje.ebean.config.ServerConfig

public class ServerConfig
extends Object

The configuration used for creating a EbeanServer.

Used to programmatically construct an EbeanServer and optionally register it with the Ebean singleton.

If you just use Ebean without this programmatic configuration Ebean will read the file and take the configuration from there. This usually includes searching the class path and automatically registering any entity classes and listeners etc.

 ServerConfig c = new ServerConfig();
 // read the and load 
 // those settings into this serverConfig object 
 // generate DDL and run it
 // add any classes found in the package
 // add the names of Jars that contain entities
 // register as the 'Default' server
 EbeanServer server = EbeanServerFactory.create(c);

emcgreal, rbygrave
See Also:

Constructor Summary
          Construct a Server Configuration for programmatically creating an EbeanServer.
Method Summary
 void add(BeanPersistController beanPersistController)
          Register a BeanPersistController instance.
 void add(BeanPersistListener<?> beanPersistListener)
          Register a BeanPersistListener instance.
 void add(BeanQueryAdapter beanQueryAdapter)
          Register a BeanQueryAdapter instance.
 void addClass(Class<?> cls)
          Programmatically add classes (typically entities) that this server should use.
 void addJar(String jarName)
          Add the name of a Jar to search for entities via class path search.
 void addPackage(String packageName)
          Add a package to search for entities via class path search.
 AutofetchConfig getAutofetchConfig()
          Return the configuration for the Autofetch feature.
 List<Class<?>> getClasses()
          Return the classes registered for this server.
 String getDatabaseBooleanFalse()
          Return a value used to represent FALSE in the database.
 String getDatabaseBooleanTrue()
          Return a value used to represent TRUE in the database.
 DatabasePlatform getDatabasePlatform()
          Return the database platform to use for this server.
 String getDatabasePlatformName()
          Return the database platform name (can be null).
 int getDatabaseSequenceBatchSize()
          Return the number of DB sequence values that should be preallocated.
 DataSource getDataSource()
          Return the DataSource.
 DataSourceConfig getDataSourceConfig()
          Return the configuration to build a DataSource using Ebean's own DataSource implementation.
 String getDataSourceJndiName()
          Return the JNDI name of the DataSource to use.
 DbEncrypt getDbEncrypt()
          Return the DbEncrypt used to encrypt and decrypt properties.
 EncryptDeployManager getEncryptDeployManager()
          Return the EncryptDeployManager.
 EncryptKeyManager getEncryptKeyManager()
          Return the EncryptKeyManager.
 Encryptor getEncryptor()
          Return the Encryptor used to encrypt data on the java client side (as opposed to DB encryption functions).
 int getEnhanceLogLevel()
          Return the log level used for "subclassing" enhancement.
 ExternalTransactionManager getExternalTransactionManager()
          Return the external transaction manager.
 List<String> getJars()
          Return packages to search for entities via class path search.
 int getLazyLoadBatchSize()
          Return the default batch size for lazy loading of beans and collections.
 LdapConfig getLdapConfig()
          Return the LDAP configuration.
 String getLoggingDirectory()
          Return the directory where transaction logs go.
 String getLoggingDirectoryWithEval()
          Return the transaction log directory substituting any expressions such as ${catalina.base} etc.
 AdminLogging.LogLevel getLoggingLevel()
          Return the overall transaction logging level.
 AdminLogging.LogLevelStmt getLoggingLevelIud()
          Return the logging level on Insert Update and Delete statements.
 AdminLogging.LogLevelStmt getLoggingLevelQuery()
          Return the logging level for query statements.
 AdminLogging.LogLevelStmt getLoggingLevelSqlQuery()
          Return the logging level on SqlQuery statements.
 AdminLogging.LogLevelTxnCommit getLoggingLevelTxnCommit()
          Return the logging level for transaction begin, commit and rollback events.
 AdminLogging.LogFileSharing getLoggingLogFileSharing()
          Return how transaction logging should share log files.
 String getName()
          Return the name of the EbeanServer.
 NamingConvention getNamingConvention()
          Return the NamingConvention.
 List<String> getPackages()
          Return packages to search for entities via class path search.
 int getPersistBatchSize()
          Return the batch size used for JDBC batching.
 List<BeanPersistController> getPersistControllers()
          Return the BeanPersistController instances.
 List<BeanPersistListener<?>> getPersistListeners()
          Return the BeanPersistListener instances.
 String getProperty(String propertyName)
          Return a configuration property.
 String getProperty(String propertyName, String defaultValue)
          Return a configuration property using a default value.
 PstmtDelegate getPstmtDelegate()
          Return the PreparedStatementDelegate.
 List<BeanQueryAdapter> getQueryAdapters()
          Return the BeanQueryAdapter instances.
 String getResourceDirectory()
          Returns the resource directory.
 boolean isDdlGenerate()
          Return true if the DDL should be generated.
 boolean isDdlRun()
          Return true if the DDL should be run.
 boolean isDebugLazyLoad()
          Return true if there is debug logging on lazy loading events.
 boolean isDebugSql()
          Return true to get the generated SQL queries output to the console.
 boolean isDefaultServer()
          Return true if this server should be registered as the "default" server with the Ebean singleton.
 boolean isLoggingToJavaLogger()
          Return true if you want to use a java.util.logging.Logger to log transaction statements, bind values etc.
 boolean isPersistBatching()
          Returns true if by default JDBC batching is used for persisting or deleting beans.
 boolean isRegister()
          Return true if this server should be registered with the Ebean singleton when it is created.
 boolean isUpdateChangesOnly()
          Return true to only update changed properties.
 boolean isUseJtaTransactionManager()
          Return true if we are running in a JTA Transaction manager.
 boolean isUseJuliTransactionLogger()
 boolean isUsePersistBatching()
 boolean isValidateOnSave()
          Return true if a bean should be validated when it is saved.
 boolean isVanillaMode()
          Return true if by default queries should return 'vanilla' objects rather than dynamic subclasses.
 boolean isVanillaRefMode()
          Returns true if EbeanServer.getReference(Class, Object) should return vanilla objects or not.
 void loadFromProperties()
          Load the settings from the file.
 void setAutofetchConfig(AutofetchConfig autofetchConfig)
          Set the configuration for the Autofetch feature.
 void setClasses(List<Class<?>> classes)
          Set the list of classes (entities, listeners, scalarTypes etc) that should be used for this server.
 void setDatabaseBooleanFalse(String databaseFalse)
          Set the value to represent FALSE in the database.
 void setDatabaseBooleanTrue(String databaseTrue)
          Set the value to represent TRUE in the database.
 void setDatabasePlatform(DatabasePlatform databasePlatform)
          Explicitly set the database platform to use.
 void setDatabasePlatformName(String databasePlatformName)
          Explicitly set the database platform name
 void setDatabaseSequenceBatch(int databaseSequenceBatchSize)
          Set the number of DB sequence values that should be preallocated and cached by Ebean.
 void setDatabaseSequenceBatchSize(int databaseSequenceBatchSize)
          Set the number of sequences to fetch/preallocate when using DB sequences.
 void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
          Set a DataSource.
 void setDataSourceConfig(DataSourceConfig dataSourceConfig)
          Set the configuration required to build a DataSource using Ebean's own DataSource implementation.
 void setDataSourceJndiName(String dataSourceJndiName)
          Set the JNDI name of the DataSource to use.
 void setDbEncrypt(DbEncrypt dbEncrypt)
          Set the DbEncrypt used to encrypt and decrypt properties.
 void setDdlGenerate(boolean ddlGenerate)
          Set to true to run the DDL generation on startup.
 void setDdlRun(boolean ddlRun)
          Set to true to run the generated DDL on startup.
 void setDebugLazyLoad(boolean debugLazyLoad)
          Set to true to get debug logging on lazy loading events.
 void setDebugSql(boolean debugSql)
          Set to true to get the generated SQL queries output to the console.
 void setDefaultServer(boolean defaultServer)
          Set true if this EbeanServer should be registered as the "default" server with the Ebean singleton.
 void setEncryptDeployManager(EncryptDeployManager encryptDeployManager)
          Set the EncryptDeployManager.
 void setEncryptKeyManager(EncryptKeyManager encryptKeyManager)
          Set the EncryptKeyManager.
 void setEncryptor(Encryptor encryptor)
          Set the Encryptor used to encrypt data on the java client side (as opposed to DB encryption functions).
 void setEnhanceLogLevel(int enhanceLogLevel)
          Set the log level used for "subclassing" enhancement.
 void setExternalTransactionManager(ExternalTransactionManager externalTransactionManager)
          Set the external transaction manager.
 void setJars(List<String> searchJars)
          Set the names of Jars to search for entities via class path search.
 void setLazyLoadBatchSize(int lazyLoadBatchSize)
          Set the default batch size for lazy loading.
 void setLdapConfig(LdapConfig ldapConfig)
          Set the LDAP configuration.
 void setLoggingDirectory(String loggingDirectory)
          Set the directory that the transaction logs go in.
 void setLoggingLevel(AdminLogging.LogLevel logging)
          Set the overall transaction logging level.
 void setLoggingLevelIud(AdminLogging.LogLevelStmt iudLoglevel)
          Set the logging level on Insert Update and Delete statements.
 void setLoggingLevelQuery(AdminLogging.LogLevelStmt queryLogLevel)
          Set the logging level for query statements.
 void setLoggingLevelSqlQuery(AdminLogging.LogLevelStmt sqlQueryLogLevel)
          Set the logging level on SqlQuery statements.
 void setLoggingLevelTxnCommit(AdminLogging.LogLevelTxnCommit transactionDebugLevel)
          Set the logging level for transaction begin, commit and rollback events.
 void setLoggingLogFileSharing(AdminLogging.LogFileSharing logSharing)
          Set how the transaction logging should share log files.
 void setLoggingToJavaLogger(boolean transactionLogToJavaLogger)
          Set this to true if you want transaction logging to use a java.util.logging.Logger to log the statements and bind variables etc rather than the default one which creates separate transaction log files.
 void setName(String name)
          Set the name of the EbeanServer.
 void setNamingConvention(NamingConvention namingConvention)
          Set the NamingConvention.
 void setPackages(List<String> packages)
          Set packages to search for entities via class path search.
 void setPersistBatching(boolean persistBatching)
          Set to true if you what to use JDBC batching for persisting and deleting beans.
 void setPersistBatchSize(int persistBatchSize)
          Set the batch size used for JDBC batching.
 void setPersistControllers(List<BeanPersistController> persistControllers)
          Register all the BeanPersistController instances.
 void setPersistListeners(List<BeanPersistListener<?>> persistListeners)
          Register all the BeanPersistListener instances.
 void setPstmtDelegate(PstmtDelegate pstmtDelegate)
          Set the PstmtDelegate which can be used to support JDBC driver specific features.
 void setQueryAdapters(List<BeanQueryAdapter> queryAdapters)
          Register all the BeanQueryAdapter instances.
 void setRegister(boolean register)
          Set to false if you do not want this server to be registered with the Ebean singleton when it is created.
 void setResourceDirectory(String resourceDirectory)
          Sets the resource directory.
 void setUpdateChangesOnly(boolean updateChangesOnly)
          Set to true to only update changed properties.
 void setUseJtaTransactionManager(boolean useJtaTransactionManager)
          Set to true if we are running in a JTA Transaction manager.
 void setUseJuliTransactionLogger(boolean transactionLogToJavaLogger)
 void setUsePersistBatching(boolean persistBatching)
 void setValidateOnSave(boolean validateOnSave)
          Set whether validation should run when a bean is saved.
 void setVanillaMode(boolean vanillaMode)
          Set this to true if by default queries should return 'vanilla' objects rather than dynamic subclasses.
 void setVanillaRefMode(boolean vanillaRefMode)
          Set this to true if you want EbeanServer.getReference(Class, Object) to return vanilla objects.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ServerConfig()
Construct a Server Configuration for programmatically creating an EbeanServer.

Method Detail


public String getName()
Return the name of the EbeanServer.


public void setName(String name)
Set the name of the EbeanServer.


public boolean isRegister()
Return true if this server should be registered with the Ebean singleton when it is created.

By default this is set to true.


public void setRegister(boolean register)
Set to false if you do not want this server to be registered with the Ebean singleton when it is created.

By default this is set to true.


public boolean isDefaultServer()
Return true if this server should be registered as the "default" server with the Ebean singleton.

This is only used when setRegister(boolean) is also true.


public void setDefaultServer(boolean defaultServer)
Set true if this EbeanServer should be registered as the "default" server with the Ebean singleton.

This is only used when setRegister(boolean) is also true.


public boolean isPersistBatching()
Returns true if by default JDBC batching is used for persisting or deleting beans.

With this Ebean will batch up persist requests and use the JDBC batch api. This is a performance optimisation designed to reduce the network chatter.


public boolean isUsePersistBatching()

Use isPersistBatching() instead.


public void setPersistBatching(boolean persistBatching)
Set to true if you what to use JDBC batching for persisting and deleting beans.

With this Ebean will batch up persist requests and use the JDBC batch api. This is a performance optimisation designed to reduce the network chatter.


public void setUsePersistBatching(boolean persistBatching)

Use setPersistBatching() instead.


public int getPersistBatchSize()
Return the batch size used for JDBC batching. This defaults to 20.


public void setPersistBatchSize(int persistBatchSize)
Set the batch size used for JDBC batching. If unset this defaults to 20.


public int getLazyLoadBatchSize()
Return the default batch size for lazy loading of beans and collections.


public void setLazyLoadBatchSize(int lazyLoadBatchSize)
Set the default batch size for lazy loading.

This is the number of beans or collections loaded when lazy loading is invoked by default.

The default value is for this is 1 (load 1 bean or collection).

You can explicitly control the lazy loading batch size for a given join on a query using +lazy(batchSize) or JoinConfig.


public void setDatabaseSequenceBatchSize(int databaseSequenceBatchSize)
Set the number of sequences to fetch/preallocate when using DB sequences.

This is a performance optimisation to reduce the number times Ebean requests a sequence to be used as an Id for a bean (aka reduce network chatter).


public boolean isUseJtaTransactionManager()
Return true if we are running in a JTA Transaction manager.


public void setUseJtaTransactionManager(boolean useJtaTransactionManager)
Set to true if we are running in a JTA Transaction manager.


public ExternalTransactionManager getExternalTransactionManager()
Return the external transaction manager.


public void setExternalTransactionManager(ExternalTransactionManager externalTransactionManager)
Set the external transaction manager.


public boolean isVanillaMode()
Return true if by default queries should return 'vanilla' objects rather than dynamic subclasses.

This setting is not relevant when using enhancement (only when using dynamic subclasses).


public void setVanillaMode(boolean vanillaMode)
Set this to true if by default queries should return 'vanilla' objects rather than dynamic subclasses.

This setting is not relevant when using enhancement (only when using dynamic subclasses).

Alternatively you can set this on a specific query via Query.setVanillaMode(boolean).

See Also:
setVanillaRefMode(boolean), Query.setVanillaMode(boolean)


public boolean isVanillaRefMode()
Returns true if EbeanServer.getReference(Class, Object) should return vanilla objects or not.

See Also:
setVanillaMode(boolean), Query.setVanillaMode(boolean)


public void setVanillaRefMode(boolean vanillaRefMode)
Set this to true if you want EbeanServer.getReference(Class, Object) to return vanilla objects.


public boolean isValidateOnSave()
Return true if a bean should be validated when it is saved.


public void setValidateOnSave(boolean validateOnSave)
Set whether validation should run when a bean is saved.


public int getEnhanceLogLevel()
Return the log level used for "subclassing" enhancement.


public void setEnhanceLogLevel(int enhanceLogLevel)
Set the log level used for "subclassing" enhancement.


public NamingConvention getNamingConvention()
Return the NamingConvention.

If none has been set the default UnderscoreNamingConvention is used.


public void setNamingConvention(NamingConvention namingConvention)
Set the NamingConvention.

If none is set the default UnderscoreNamingConvention is used.


public AutofetchConfig getAutofetchConfig()
Return the configuration for the Autofetch feature.


public void setAutofetchConfig(AutofetchConfig autofetchConfig)
Set the configuration for the Autofetch feature.


public PstmtDelegate getPstmtDelegate()
Return the PreparedStatementDelegate.


public void setPstmtDelegate(PstmtDelegate pstmtDelegate)
Set the PstmtDelegate which can be used to support JDBC driver specific features.

Typically this means Oracle JDBC driver specific workarounds.


public DataSource getDataSource()
Return the DataSource.


public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
Set a DataSource.


public DataSourceConfig getDataSourceConfig()
Return the configuration to build a DataSource using Ebean's own DataSource implementation.


public void setDataSourceConfig(DataSourceConfig dataSourceConfig)
Set the configuration required to build a DataSource using Ebean's own DataSource implementation.


public String getDataSourceJndiName()
Return the JNDI name of the DataSource to use.


public void setDataSourceJndiName(String dataSourceJndiName)
Set the JNDI name of the DataSource to use.

By default a prefix of "java:comp/env/jdbc/" is used to lookup the DataSource. This prefix is not used if dataSourceJndiName starts with "java:".


public String getDatabaseBooleanTrue()
Return a value used to represent TRUE in the database.

This is used for databases that do not support boolean natively.

The value returned is either a Integer or a String (e.g. "1", or "T").


public void setDatabaseBooleanTrue(String databaseTrue)
Set the value to represent TRUE in the database.

This is used for databases that do not support boolean natively.

The value set is either a Integer or a String (e.g. "1", or "T").


public String getDatabaseBooleanFalse()
Return a value used to represent FALSE in the database.

This is used for databases that do not support boolean natively.

The value returned is either a Integer or a String (e.g. "0", or "F").


public void setDatabaseBooleanFalse(String databaseFalse)
Set the value to represent FALSE in the database.

This is used for databases that do not support boolean natively.

The value set is either a Integer or a String (e.g. "0", or "F").


public int getDatabaseSequenceBatchSize()
Return the number of DB sequence values that should be preallocated.


public void setDatabaseSequenceBatch(int databaseSequenceBatchSize)
Set the number of DB sequence values that should be preallocated and cached by Ebean.

This is only used for DB's that use sequences and is a performance optimisation. This reduces the number of times Ebean needs to get a sequence value from the Database reducing network chatter.

By default this value is 10 so when we need another Id (and don't have one in our cache) Ebean will fetch 10 id's from the database. Note that when the cache drops to have full (which is 5 by default) Ebean will fetch another batch of Id's in a background thread.


public String getDatabasePlatformName()
Return the database platform name (can be null).

If null then the platform is determined automatically via the JDBC driver information.


public void setDatabasePlatformName(String databasePlatformName)
Explicitly set the database platform name

If none is set then the platform is determined automatically via the JDBC driver information.

This can be used when the Database Platform can not be automatically detected from the JDBC driver (possibly 3rd party JDBC driver). It is also useful when you want to do offline DDL generation for a database platform that you don't have access to.

Values are oracle, h2, postgres, mysql, mssqlserver2005.

See Also:


public DatabasePlatform getDatabasePlatform()
Return the database platform to use for this server.


public void setDatabasePlatform(DatabasePlatform databasePlatform)
Explicitly set the database platform to use.

If none is set then the platform is determined via the databasePlatformName or automatically via the JDBC driver information.


public EncryptKeyManager getEncryptKeyManager()
Return the EncryptKeyManager.


public void setEncryptKeyManager(EncryptKeyManager encryptKeyManager)
Set the EncryptKeyManager.

This is required when you want to use encrypted properties.

You can also set this in ebean.proprerties:

 # set via


public EncryptDeployManager getEncryptDeployManager()
Return the EncryptDeployManager.

This is optionally used to programmatically define which columns are encrypted instead of using the Encrypted Annotation.


public void setEncryptDeployManager(EncryptDeployManager encryptDeployManager)
Set the EncryptDeployManager.

This is optionally used to programmatically define which columns are encrypted instead of using the Encrypted Annotation.


public Encryptor getEncryptor()
Return the Encryptor used to encrypt data on the java client side (as opposed to DB encryption functions).


public void setEncryptor(Encryptor encryptor)
Set the Encryptor used to encrypt data on the java client side (as opposed to DB encryption functions).

Ebean has a default implementation that it will use if you do not set your own Encryptor implementation.


public DbEncrypt getDbEncrypt()
Return the DbEncrypt used to encrypt and decrypt properties.

Note that if this is not set then the DbPlatform may already have a DbEncrypt set and that will be used.


public void setDbEncrypt(DbEncrypt dbEncrypt)
Set the DbEncrypt used to encrypt and decrypt properties.

Note that if this is not set then the DbPlatform may already have a DbEncrypt set (H2, MySql, Postgres and Oracle platforms have a DbEncrypt)


public boolean isDebugSql()
Return true to get the generated SQL queries output to the console.

To get the SQL and bind variables for insert update delete statements you should use transaction logging.


public void setDebugSql(boolean debugSql)
Set to true to get the generated SQL queries output to the console.

To get the SQL and bind variables for insert update delete statements you should use transaction logging.


public boolean isDebugLazyLoad()
Return true if there is debug logging on lazy loading events.


public void setDebugLazyLoad(boolean debugLazyLoad)
Set to true to get debug logging on lazy loading events.


public AdminLogging.LogLevel getLoggingLevel()
Return the overall transaction logging level.


public void setLoggingLevel(AdminLogging.LogLevel logging)
Set the overall transaction logging level.

Set this to LogLevel.NONE to turn off transaction logging. Alternatively you can change the log level for specific functions.

See also setLoggingLevelIud(...), setLoggingLevelQuery(...) and setLoggingLevelSqlQuery(...).


public AdminLogging.LogLevelStmt getLoggingLevelIud()
Return the logging level on Insert Update and Delete statements.


public void setLoggingLevelIud(AdminLogging.LogLevelStmt iudLoglevel)
Set the logging level on Insert Update and Delete statements.

Note this logging level can be changed at runtime via EbeanServer.getAdminLogging() and AdminLogging.setLoggingLevelIud(LogLevelStmt)


public AdminLogging.LogLevelStmt getLoggingLevelQuery()
Return the logging level for query statements.


public void setLoggingLevelQuery(AdminLogging.LogLevelStmt queryLogLevel)
Set the logging level for query statements.

Note this logging level can be changed at runtime via EbeanServer.getAdminLogging() and AdminLogging.setLoggingLevelQuery(LogLevelStmt)


public AdminLogging.LogLevelStmt getLoggingLevelSqlQuery()
Return the logging level on SqlQuery statements.


public void setLoggingLevelSqlQuery(AdminLogging.LogLevelStmt sqlQueryLogLevel)
Set the logging level on SqlQuery statements.


public AdminLogging.LogLevelTxnCommit getLoggingLevelTxnCommit()
Return the logging level for transaction begin, commit and rollback events.


public void setLoggingLevelTxnCommit(AdminLogging.LogLevelTxnCommit transactionDebugLevel)
Set the logging level for transaction begin, commit and rollback events.


public AdminLogging.LogFileSharing getLoggingLogFileSharing()
Return how transaction logging should share log files.


public void setLoggingLogFileSharing(AdminLogging.LogFileSharing logSharing)
Set how the transaction logging should share log files.

Transactions can each have a separate transaction log or they can share one single transaction log. Alternatively explicit transactions can have their own transaction log.


public String getLoggingDirectory()
Return the directory where transaction logs go.


public String getLoggingDirectoryWithEval()
Return the transaction log directory substituting any expressions such as ${catalina.base} etc.


public void setLoggingDirectory(String loggingDirectory)
Set the directory that the transaction logs go in.

This will not be used if the transaction logging is going to java util logging (via setLoggingToJavaLogger(boolean)).

This can contain expressions like ${catalina.base} with environment variables, java system properties and entries in

e.g. ${catalina.base}/logs/trans

loggingDirectory - the transaction log directory


public boolean isLoggingToJavaLogger()
Return true if you want to use a java.util.logging.Logger to log transaction statements, bind values etc.

If this is false then the default transaction logger is used which logs the transaction details to separate transaction log files.


public void setLoggingToJavaLogger(boolean transactionLogToJavaLogger)
Set this to true if you want transaction logging to use a java.util.logging.Logger to log the statements and bind variables etc rather than the default one which creates separate transaction log files.


public boolean isUseJuliTransactionLogger()

Deprecated - please use isTransactionLogToJavaLogger();


public void setUseJuliTransactionLogger(boolean transactionLogToJavaLogger)

Deprecated - please use setTransactionLogToJavaLogger();


public void setDdlGenerate(boolean ddlGenerate)
Set to true to run the DDL generation on startup.


public void setDdlRun(boolean ddlRun)
Set to true to run the generated DDL on startup.


public boolean isDdlGenerate()
Return true if the DDL should be generated.


public boolean isDdlRun()
Return true if the DDL should be run.


public LdapConfig getLdapConfig()
Return the LDAP configuration.


public void setLdapConfig(LdapConfig ldapConfig)
Set the LDAP configuration.


public void addClass(Class<?> cls)
Programmatically add classes (typically entities) that this server should use.

The class can be an Entity, Embedded type, ScalarType, BeanPersistListener, BeanFinder or BeanPersistController.

If no classes are specified then the classes are found automatically via searching the class path.

Alternatively the classes can be added via setClasses(List).

cls - the entity type (or other type) that should be registered by this server.


public void addPackage(String packageName)
Add a package to search for entities via class path search.

This is only used if classes have not been explicitly specified.


public List<String> getPackages()
Return packages to search for entities via class path search.

This is only used if classes have not been explicitly specified.


public void setPackages(List<String> packages)
Set packages to search for entities via class path search.

This is only used if classes have not been explicitly specified.


public void addJar(String jarName)
Add the name of a Jar to search for entities via class path search.

This is only used if classes have not been explicitly specified.

If you are using you can specify jars to search by setting a property.

 # EBean will search through classes for entities, but will not search jar files 
 # unless you tell it to do so, for performance reasons.  Set this value to a 
 # comma-delimited list of jar files you want ebean to search.


public List<String> getJars()
Return packages to search for entities via class path search.

This is only used if classes have not been explicitly specified.


public void setJars(List<String> searchJars)
Set the names of Jars to search for entities via class path search.

This is only used if classes have not been explicitly specified.


public void setClasses(List<Class<?>> classes)
Set the list of classes (entities, listeners, scalarTypes etc) that should be used for this server.

If no classes are specified then the classes are found automatically via searching the class path.

Alternatively the classes can contain added via addClass(Class).


public List<Class<?>> getClasses()
Return the classes registered for this server. Typically this includes entities and perhaps listeners.


public boolean isUpdateChangesOnly()
Return true to only update changed properties.


public void setUpdateChangesOnly(boolean updateChangesOnly)
Set to true to only update changed properties.


public String getResourceDirectory()
Returns the resource directory.


public void setResourceDirectory(String resourceDirectory)
Sets the resource directory.


public void add(BeanQueryAdapter beanQueryAdapter)
Register a BeanQueryAdapter instance.

Note alternatively you can use setQueryAdapters(List) to set all the BeanQueryAdapter instances.


public List<BeanQueryAdapter> getQueryAdapters()
Return the BeanQueryAdapter instances.


public void setQueryAdapters(List<BeanQueryAdapter> queryAdapters)
Register all the BeanQueryAdapter instances.

Note alternatively you can use add(BeanQueryAdapter) to add BeanQueryAdapter instances one at a time.


public void add(BeanPersistController beanPersistController)
Register a BeanPersistController instance.

Note alternatively you can use setPersistControllers(List) to set all the BeanPersistController instances.


public List<BeanPersistController> getPersistControllers()
Return the BeanPersistController instances.


public void setPersistControllers(List<BeanPersistController> persistControllers)
Register all the BeanPersistController instances.

Note alternatively you can use add(BeanPersistController) to add BeanPersistController instances one at a time.


public void add(BeanPersistListener<?> beanPersistListener)
Register a BeanPersistListener instance.

Note alternatively you can use setPersistListeners(List) to set all the BeanPersistListener instances.


public List<BeanPersistListener<?>> getPersistListeners()
Return the BeanPersistListener instances.


public void setPersistListeners(List<BeanPersistListener<?>> persistListeners)
Register all the BeanPersistListener instances.

Note alternatively you can use add(BeanPersistListener) to add BeanPersistListener instances one at a time.


public void loadFromProperties()
Load the settings from the file.


public String getProperty(String propertyName,
                          String defaultValue)
Return a configuration property using a default value.


public String getProperty(String propertyName)
Return a configuration property.

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