Class DbDdlSyntax

  extended by com.avaje.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbDdlSyntax

public class DbDdlSyntax
extends Object

Used to support DB specific syntax for DDL generation.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int getColumnNameWidth()
          Return the width for padding whitespace after column names.
 String getDisableReferentialIntegrity()
          Return the DB specific command to disable referential integrity
 String getDropIfExists()
          Typically returns IF EXISTS (if that is supported by the database platform) or null.
 String getDropTableCascade()
          Return the cascade option for the drop table command.
 String getEnableReferentialIntegrity()
          Return the DB specific command to enable referential integrity
 String getForeignKeyName(String table, String propName, int fkCount)
 String getForeignKeySuffix()
          Return the foreign key suffix.
 String getIdentity()
          Return the identity clause for DB's that have identities.
 String getIndexName(String table, String propName, int ixCount)
 int getMaxConstraintNameLength()
          Return the maximum length that constraint names can be for this database.
 String getNewLine()
          Return the new line character.
 String getPkPrefix()
          Return the prefix used in naming primary keys.
 String getPrimaryKeyName(String tableName)
          Return the primary key name for a given bean descriptor.
 boolean isAddOneToOneUniqueContraint()
          Return true if imported side of OneToOne's should have unique constraints generated.
 boolean isRenderIndexForFkey()
          Return true if indexes should be created for the foreign keys.
 void setAddOneToOneUniqueContraint(boolean addOneToOneUniqueContraint)
          Set to false for DB's that don't want both a unique and index on the imported OneToOne.
 void setColumnNameWidth(int columnNameWidth)
          Set the amount of padding to write after the column name.
 void setDisableReferentialIntegrity(String disableReferentialIntegrity)
          Set the DB specific command to disable referential integrity
 void setDropIfExists(String dropIfExists)
          Set the IF EXISTS clause for dropping tables if that is supported by the database platform.
 void setDropTableCascade(String dropTableCascade)
          Set the cascade option for the drop table command.
 void setEnableReferentialIntegrity(String enableReferentialIntegrity)
          Set the DB specific command to enable referential integrity
 void setForeignKeySuffix(String foreignKeySuffix)
          Set the foreign key suffix.
 void setIdentity(String identity)
          Set the identity clause.
 void setMaxConstraintNameLength(int maxFkeyLength)
          Set the maximum length that constraint names can be for this database.
 void setNewLine(String newLine)
          Set the new line character.
 void setPkPrefix(String pkPrefix)
          Set the prefix used in naming primary keys.
 void setRenderIndexForFkey(boolean renderIndexForFkey)
          Set whether indexes should be created for the foreign keys.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DbDdlSyntax()
Method Detail


public String getPrimaryKeyName(String tableName)
Return the primary key name for a given bean descriptor.


public String getIdentity()
Return the identity clause for DB's that have identities.


public void setIdentity(String identity)
Set the identity clause.


public int getColumnNameWidth()
Return the width for padding whitespace after column names.


public void setColumnNameWidth(int columnNameWidth)
Set the amount of padding to write after the column name.


public String getNewLine()
Return the new line character.


public void setNewLine(String newLine)
Set the new line character.


public String getPkPrefix()
Return the prefix used in naming primary keys.


public void setPkPrefix(String pkPrefix)
Set the prefix used in naming primary keys.


public String getDisableReferentialIntegrity()
Return the DB specific command to disable referential integrity


public void setDisableReferentialIntegrity(String disableReferentialIntegrity)
Set the DB specific command to disable referential integrity


public String getEnableReferentialIntegrity()
Return the DB specific command to enable referential integrity


public void setEnableReferentialIntegrity(String enableReferentialIntegrity)
Set the DB specific command to enable referential integrity


public boolean isRenderIndexForFkey()
Return true if indexes should be created for the foreign keys.


public void setRenderIndexForFkey(boolean renderIndexForFkey)
Set whether indexes should be created for the foreign keys.


public String getDropIfExists()
Typically returns IF EXISTS (if that is supported by the database platform) or null.


public void setDropIfExists(String dropIfExists)
Set the IF EXISTS clause for dropping tables if that is supported by the database platform.


public String getDropTableCascade()
Return the cascade option for the drop table command.


public void setDropTableCascade(String dropTableCascade)
Set the cascade option for the drop table command.


public String getForeignKeySuffix()
Return the foreign key suffix.


public void setForeignKeySuffix(String foreignKeySuffix)
Set the foreign key suffix.


public int getMaxConstraintNameLength()
Return the maximum length that constraint names can be for this database.


public void setMaxConstraintNameLength(int maxFkeyLength)
Set the maximum length that constraint names can be for this database.


public boolean isAddOneToOneUniqueContraint()
Return true if imported side of OneToOne's should have unique constraints generated.


public void setAddOneToOneUniqueContraint(boolean addOneToOneUniqueContraint)
Set to false for DB's that don't want both a unique and index on the imported OneToOne.


public String getIndexName(String table,
                           String propName,
                           int ixCount)


public String getForeignKeyName(String table,
                                String propName,
                                int fkCount)

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