Interface DbEncrypt

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDbEncrypt, H2DbEncrypt, MySqlDbEncrypt, Oracle10DbEncrypt, PostgresDbEncrypt

public interface DbEncrypt

Defines DB encryption support for encrypting and decrypting data using DB encryption features.

As an alternative to using DB encryption you can encrypt/decrypt in java via a special ScalarType but this has the limitation that you can't include that property in query where clauses.


Method Summary
 DbEncryptFunction getDbEncryptFunction(int jdbcType)
 int getEncryptDbType()
          Return the DB type that encrypted Strings are stored in.
 boolean isBindEncryptDataFirst()
          Return true if the DB encrypt function binds the data before the key.

Method Detail


DbEncryptFunction getDbEncryptFunction(int jdbcType)


int getEncryptDbType()
Return the DB type that encrypted Strings are stored in.

This is VARCHAR for MySql and VARBINARY for most others.


boolean isBindEncryptDataFirst()
Return true if the DB encrypt function binds the data before the key.

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