Interface BeanQueryAdapter

public interface BeanQueryAdapter

Objects extending this modify queries prior their execution.

This can be used to add expressions to a query - for example to enable partitioning based on the user executing the query.

A BeanQueryAdapter is either found automatically via class path search or can be added programmatically via ServerConfig.add(BeanQueryAdapter).

Note that a BeanQueryAdapter should be thread safe (stateless) and if registered automatically via class path search it needs to have a default constructor.

Method Summary
 int getExecutionOrder()
          Returns an int to to control the order in which BeanQueryAdapter are executed when there is multiple of them registered for a given entity type (class).
 boolean isRegisterFor(Class<?> cls)
          Return true if this adapter is interested in queries for the given entity type.
 void preQuery(BeanQueryRequest<?> request)
          Modify the associated query prior to it being executed.

Method Detail


boolean isRegisterFor(Class<?> cls)
Return true if this adapter is interested in queries for the given entity type.


int getExecutionOrder()
Returns an int to to control the order in which BeanQueryAdapter are executed when there is multiple of them registered for a given entity type (class).


void preQuery(BeanQueryRequest<?> request)
Modify the associated query prior to it being executed.

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