Class BeanPersistAdapter

  extended by com.avaje.ebean.event.BeanPersistAdapter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class BeanPersistAdapter
extends Object
implements BeanPersistController

A no operation implementation of BeanPersistController. Objects extending this need to only override the methods they want to.

A BeanPersistAdapter is either found automatically via class path search or can be added programmatically via ServerConfig.add(BeanPersistController) or ServerConfig.setPersistControllers(java.util.List).

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int getExecutionOrder()
          Returns 10 - override this to control the order in which BeanPersistController's are executed when there is multiple of them registered for a given entity type (class).
abstract  boolean isRegisterFor(Class<?> cls)
          Return true if this BeanPersistController should be registered for events on this entity type.
 void postDelete(BeanPersistRequest<?> request)
          Does nothing by default.
 void postInsert(BeanPersistRequest<?> request)
          Does nothing by default.
 void postLoad(Object bean, Set<String> includedProperties)
          Does nothing by default.
 void postUpdate(BeanPersistRequest<?> request)
          Does nothing by default.
 boolean preDelete(BeanPersistRequest<?> request)
          Returns true indicating normal processing should continue.
 boolean preInsert(BeanPersistRequest<?> request)
          Returns true indicating normal processing should continue.
 boolean preUpdate(BeanPersistRequest<?> request)
          Returns true indicating normal processing should continue.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BeanPersistAdapter()
Method Detail


public abstract boolean isRegisterFor(Class<?> cls)
Description copied from interface: BeanPersistController
Return true if this BeanPersistController should be registered for events on this entity type.

Specified by:
isRegisterFor in interface BeanPersistController


public int getExecutionOrder()
Returns 10 - override this to control the order in which BeanPersistController's are executed when there is multiple of them registered for a given entity type (class).

Specified by:
getExecutionOrder in interface BeanPersistController
an int used to control the order BeanPersistController's are executed


public boolean preDelete(BeanPersistRequest<?> request)
Returns true indicating normal processing should continue.

Specified by:
preDelete in interface BeanPersistController


public boolean preInsert(BeanPersistRequest<?> request)
Returns true indicating normal processing should continue.

Specified by:
preInsert in interface BeanPersistController


public boolean preUpdate(BeanPersistRequest<?> request)
Returns true indicating normal processing should continue.

Specified by:
preUpdate in interface BeanPersistController


public void postDelete(BeanPersistRequest<?> request)
Does nothing by default.

Specified by:
postDelete in interface BeanPersistController


public void postInsert(BeanPersistRequest<?> request)
Does nothing by default.

Specified by:
postInsert in interface BeanPersistController


public void postUpdate(BeanPersistRequest<?> request)
Does nothing by default.

Specified by:
postUpdate in interface BeanPersistController


public void postLoad(Object bean,
                     Set<String> includedProperties)
Does nothing by default.

Specified by:
postLoad in interface BeanPersistController

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